Home Editorial Pandemic, doctors and Govt

Pandemic, doctors and Govt

From the day when the first case of COVID-19 was reported in J&K, the doctors along with the paramedics, nurses and the rest of the staff remained on the frontlines with their fight against the deadly infection.

More than a year has now passed and the healthcare workers continue to remain on their toes in their fight against the pandemic day and night. They continue to cater to the needs of the people who require the medical attention as well as those who are struggling with the COVID infection. The healthcare workers continue to remain prepared and ready on both fronts as we speak.

The nurses, and paramedics have also been giving their 100 per cent despite several restraining factors. While the fight against the COVID continues, the healthcare workers are also giving their best to increase the coverage of the COVID vaccination drive which is on across the country as well as in the UT of J&K.

The healthcare workers deserve all the appreciation for the extraordinary work that they have been performing since the day of the pandemic. In return, the Government has only announced COVID incentives in their favour along with other monetary benefits. But the real tribute to them would be implementing doctor-friendly policies in the healthcare system.

The real tribute would be the further up-gradation of the existing healthcare infrastructure so that doctors work effectively and their services reach the needy in a much effective way. There is a need for addressing the demands of the doctors—which are in turn for the betterment of the healthcare set-up.



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