Despite clear cut directed from the Committee for Fixation and Regulation of Fee of Private Schools (FFRC) on the regulation, collection of fee and other charges from the parents of wards enrolled in schools, the management of several schools continue violating the norms, directives even the Supreme Court rulings on the several matters. The FFRC has been taking note of several violations that were reported in the past which added to the miseries of the parents who were suffering due to the financial issues due to the COVID lockdown.
Even though the FFRC provided some relief to these parents and directed the schools to only charge tuition fees for the time of the lockdown during which the schools remain closed. However, the directives that were issued by the FFRC, it appears, are not being adhered to in letter and spirit by the private schools as these schools are now asking the parents to deposit the fee in advance for 6 months or for one whole year—which the FFRC has termed as illegal.
No matter the FFRC has been actively pursuing the issues raised by the parents; it even went ahead and carried out the process of fee fixation which is currently on. Keeping the circumstances in view, the FFRC needs to go ahead with a robust mechanism to ensure that the directives passed from time to time are adhered to and those who are found to violate the norms, should be dealt with strictly. The FFRC has been rightly stating that there is a need for separating Education from Business.